The Diving Medical Advisory Committee
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About DMAC

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DMAC is an independent committee, formed in 1974 to provide advice about medical and certain safety aspects of commercial diving.

The committee comprises doctors involved in the practice of diving medicine in Northern Europe (currently France, The Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom), representatives of relevant health authorities (the UK Health & Safety Executive and Norwegian Directorate of Public Health), medical representatives from relevant navies (UK & The Netherlands) and a diving safety officer nominated by IMCA (the International Marine Contractors Association). Members of the committee receive no payment for their time or contributions to committee proceedings - the work of the committee is entirely voluntary.

DMAC meets two or three times a year, with meetings held variably in the UK, Norway and The Netherlands. The committee's agenda includes business items identified by members of the committee and items referred to it by any part of the industry and/or regulatory authorities.

The committee's work is reflected in its series of guidance notes concerning various aspects of diving and diving medical practice, each of which is available for downloading from this website. The notes are also distributed to a large number of offshore diving contractors as they are issued. In 2004 the committee also instigated a scheme for approval of courses in diving medicine, details of which, including a list of recognised courses, are published on this site.

Read a brief history of the committee.

You can also view the following:

Click to download as a PDF document  DMAC Constitution

Click to download as a PDF document  DMAC Code of Ethics